Camelia Entekhabifard
Editor-in-chief of the Independent Persian.

Trump and Biden and the Two Women on Each Side of the Debate

Hillary Clinton tried her chances for presidency twice (and failed): Once running against Barak Obama, the man who became the first black President in the history of the United States; and the second time against Donald Trump, the first businessman- come President- with no political background.

Hillary Clinton did not shine enough in either of the two races. What she focused on was to “break the glass ceiling”, and become the first female president of the Unite States.

Her words did not touch the heart. Her efforts demonstrated the ambitions of a woman who wanted to become president at any cost rather than a citizen’s endeavor who regardless of gender pursued victory for her political party.

Hillary Clinton gained more votes in the election than her rival but not in key states and not among all women as she predicted. Her obsession for becoming the first female American president proved repulsive to most voters. Some American women were not convinced that they should cast their votes for her only because of her gender, and did not vote at all. I was among those who decided not to cast my vote for either candidate.

The forthcoming presidential election will be between two men: Mr. Trump, the current President, and Mr. Biden the former vice president of the United States. But two strong and popular women are standing firm behind these men.

Mrs. Kamala Harris, Joe Biden’s vice president nominee is a person with whose race and background a large portion of Americans identify.

Born from an Indian mother and a Jamaican father she had come a long way to reach the steps of the White House. With the experience of two terms as the Attorney General of California under her belt, she managed to find her way to the United States’ Senate in 2016. Harris ran for the Democratic presidential nomination, but amid the party’s rivalries withdrew in favor of Joe Biden.

For many, this woman represents the same aura as Barak Obama created during his first election campaign. The color of her skin, her commitment to the principles of democracy and her intellect has caused an unprecedented wave of excitement among supporters of the Democratic Party, black Americans, and ethnic minorities.

Mrs. Harris is a bold, brave and energetic character who can satisfy the expectations of those women Hillary Clinton was trying to entice. She is able to create the same distinctive atmosphere as Barak Obama did; a second- generation immigrant, her social and professional success, is the embodiment of ‘the American Dream’.

But it is Biden who will have to lock horns with Donald Trump, and even if the result of the election lead to Joe Biden’s victory, Kamala Harris should wait another four years to run for presidential nomination.

During her four years as the vice president (that is if the aged Joe Biden could complete his term) Kamala Harris should put herself in the furnace of public judgment. No doubt, should Joe Biden win the election, Harris will be at the forefront of 2024 presidential election, or, a successor for Mr. Biden if his health would not allow him to continue with his presidential responsibilities.

On the other side of the arena stands Donald Trump. Next to him is a man who is a mountain of a republican. Mike Pence is a republican through and through, inflexible, and in popular language a cold and an extremely traditional politician.

But there is a senior advisor to Mr. Trump who for the past four years stood firm behind him, and represented him in important political and official meetings and conferences. Ivanka Trump, the President’s daughter, is an ideal example of a successful American woman for many American citizens.

A mother of three and a woman who converted to Judaism in order of marry her husband, Ivanka also ran a successful business before entering the White House.

Ivanka Trump, 38, had no political experience but spent her apprenticeship in the best place possible: The White House.

If her father manages to stay at the White House for another four years, it is not unlikely that this young woman would break the glass ceiling Hillary Clinton put so much effort to doing it and failed.

In that case, with an eight -year work experience in the White House, and benefiting from skilled advisors and family wealth, Ivanka will have all that is needed for a presidential candidate in the United States. From the very first days of her entry to the White House, Ivanka was never addressed as “the First Daughter” as the tradition has it. She stood shoulder to shoulder with her father on all occasions – from the G20 summit to being an official guest in a state visit to India. Participating in the United Nations meetings and forums in Africa, she had a more profound presence in international political arenas than the President himself. She has met with and talked to important world leaders. She is a woman who has been a mother, daughter and wife, and at the same time carried herself as a professional similar to the President. No doubt she will consider running for President at some point. The Forbes magazine has also named her as one of the ten most powerful women in the world.

Nikki Haley, United States former ambassador to the United Nations, a daughter of Indian emigrants, and a staunch republican has also an eye on the Presidential seat for the 2024 elections.

One of the confusing factors among American voters in 2016 election campaign between Trump and Clinton, and now between Trump and Biden is that Trump has never been a staunch republican and never will be. In other words, he is a mock of a Republican who has made a deal with the Republican Party.

Following his astonishing victory over his rivals within the Republican Party, party officials vetted Trump’s nomination on condition that he would stay committed to the Republican Party’s principles (like nominating Attorneys to the Supreme Court) in return of their turning a blind eye to his personal problems.

Donald Trump, a New Yorker and a former Democrat, changed his party affiliation in 2009 and became a Republican. As such, despite political arguments and controversies, the newly Republican Trump is considered a moderate figure compared to Nikki Haley and Mike Pence.

The popular cartoon characters, Simpsons, who are known for their prediction of the future, have promised their followers a “2028 Ivanka”. They had predicted Trump’s presidency and in 2017 showed a scene where Ivanka’s name was written on badges for 2028 presidential campaign.

In a country where results of elections are unpredictable, the prospect of the future presidential election of 2024 points to the fact that it will largely belong to women candidates. Women from Republican and Democratic parties are preparing themselves for the challenge.

I know that I really should talk about the forthcoming election of 2020 but in two months I will have to write about the 2024 presidential election which is not set that far in the future.